『Ja-fabric Lab collection "EN"』Only available in the shows! - #1. Wool Wonderland -

Launching Takisada-Nagoya's Textile Lab by Textile designers.
"EN" by Jafabric Lab collection celebrates enduring bonds between TAKISADA-NAGOYA and Japanese suppliers.
Creating new value through customer-supplier connections.
Focusing BISHU in Japan,
BISHU is a top wool textile production region globally, alongside Biella in Italy and Huddersfield in UK.
Our long-standing relationship with Takisada-Nagoya and the Bishu region inspires us to curate a collection connecting us to customers, 
crafted by our desing team and Bishu suppliers.


"Wool Wonderland"

Introducing our exquisite Wool+Finishing collection,

where sophistication meets functionality



1. 『Re:Born』:Finising with Formed Slovent to create texture.


2.Urban (Drain Dye) : Premitive dyeing for only one look.


   : Machine washable Wool finising using sustaibale power OZONE.

4. HARUTO ( Vintage touch)

   : Compact & High-Density texture.

5. Bonding in Wool

 Variation of wool bonding.


6. Pigment

 Pigment dye on wool.


7 . LUXE

Super 120/160 yarn for comfort/luxuary wear.

8.  &Warp

 Weft insertion warp knit with wool.

With High power stretch.



Please check our collections at Premiere Vision Paris

/Milan Unica and FFF in NY.